My very first Drawing Retreat!

I am delighted to share the photos from my very first Drawing Retreat at the marvellous Priory House in Long Bennington. The home of fashion designer Carole Lee and sculptor Roger Lee is an amazing place, filled with a huge range of fascinating objects collected over many decades. Their home oozes theatrical flair and colour and the Drawing Retreat-ers could spend time drawing in the house and the garden during the retreat. I supplied sketchbooks, pencils and rubbers for each person to take home, as well as supplying a wide range of drawing materials to use. And refreshments were included too - delicious cakes, biscuits and hot drinks to suit different dietary needs. 

This really was a retreat for each person: time to sit together and chat and time to be alone to quietly draw. We all live busy lives and I have been so keen to get an event like this going. Not online, but in real life. It felt a real privilege to bring this lovely set of people together! 

 Would you like to join in a retreat? 

Simply contact me via my website: to be added to my email list. 

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